Sustainability Initiatives

The Freshwater Trust is proud to be “Gold Certified” by the city of Portland’s Sustainability at Work program. To earn that certification, we’ve committed to the following initiatives:

  • Incentives provided to staff using public transportation.
  • Secure bicycle storage and changing rooms provided. Employees also compete in the annual BTA Bike Commute Challenge.
  • Bottled water has been removed and replaced with filtered tap water.
  • Low water flow kitchen and bathroom fixtures have been installed.
  • Durable dishware is used to the maximum extent possible.
  • A Green Team regularly works to improve sustainability throughout the organization and to communicate sustainable practices to the staff.
  • Office designed to maximize natural light and desks constructed with reclaimed building materials.
  • Employees use laptops that are over 50% more energy efficient than desktop computers.
  • A Sustainability Policy guides the decision-making process for purchases and other actions.
  • All electronic equipment, toners and batteries are recycled.
  • Teleconference and video conference meetings are used when possible to reduce the amount of travel. Meetings often use electronic solutions to minimize the need for printouts.
  • A thorough invasive species policy is followed by employees and contractors in order to prevent the spread of noxious plant species on restoration sites.