Katie O’Connor
Analytics Project Manager

Katie brings over a decade of experience in project management, facilitation, geospatial analysis, and storytelling to The Freshwater Trust. She has worked with teams of scientists focused on a range of topics, from freshwater to wildfire to climate change. Previous work has included spatial analysis and project management to develop online decision support tools for managers of estuaries, wetlands, and forests. She has also produced impact films. Her education includes an M.S. degree in Water Resources Policy and Management, as well as a B.S. degree in Environmental Science. In her role as Analytics Project Manager, Katie uses her management and communication skills to support data-driven decision-making. Her most recent work centers on delivering robust decision-support tools to clients in Colorado seeking to balance water use in the face of climate change. In her free time, you will find Katie in her garden where she will be saving and sowing seeds, or perhaps fermenting something. Alternatively, she may be wandering steep trails or lying on the beach of her home river, the mighty Columbia.

Home River: Columbia River