Tech-enabled conservation delivers results.

Discover how The Freshwater Trust leverages analytical tools to prioritize on-the-ground conservation projects for the greatest environmental impact.

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Here are the different ways we fix rivers.


EPA and Conservation Partners Outline Scalable...

More than half of our nation’s rivers, streams and lakes are in fair

July 19, 2024

Q&A with Kimberlee Obilana, Vice President of...

In two sentences, tell us what you do at The Freshwater Trust. I

July 9, 2024

Backpacker’s Pantry Protects Rivers for Future...

At The Freshwater Trust (TFT), we pride ourselves on being a connective force.

July 8, 2024

You give. We make it count.

Fixing rivers on a timeline that matters requires strategic action, bold outcomes and an economy that’s aligned with the environment. Your gift will go directly to helping The Freshwater Trust change the course of conservation.

Our results speak for themselves.

A mention from the President
We're the nation's #1 water trust
Our proprietary software SpringBank has a US patent
We won the US Water Prize
We've helped to create the nation's largest restoration fund
We're the largest restoration group in the Pacific Northwest